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Zawiercie Web Site
December 1, 2014
The Zawiercie web site was redesigned. The new version includes all the material that was presented in the older version with additional pages.
The current history page includes new essays and references about the history of Kromolow and Zawiercie in general and in particular the history of the Jewish community.
The web site is work in progress and we will be happy to receive photographs, stories and data of the Jewish life in Kromolow and Zawiercie.
Zawiercie Jewish Cemetery
Restoration Project
Dec 26, 2014
Dear friends,
I finally organized all the pictures I could find and I created a site on my Facebook page titled “Zawiercie Jewish Cemetery Restoration Project.”
As regards the cemetery, Marcin Bergier was very busy this year clearing the vegetation and smaller trees as well as the area at the entrance behind the two buildings either side of the gate. He also contacted the city to empty the garbage can behind the carriage house. I have also sent him a chainsaw, which he plans on using next year to take down some of the smaller trees... One of the most difficult issue we are dealing with are the two buildings on either side of the entrance gate. The one on the left is the carriage house and the one on the right is where the caretaker lived and the bodies were prepared for burial. These two buildings have serious structural damage... If we don’t get some serious money, the two buildings will likely have to be torn down. If anyone has any idea about a charitable organization we can contact to get a grant, please let me know.
Please forward this note to anyone I may have missed.
Thank you,
Joe Greenbaum
December 2, 2014
On Tuesday April 9, 2013 Joe Greenbaum send email to a group of people that have an interest in the town of Zawiercie:
"Dear Friends and Family, I would like to inform you that the city of Zawiercie is planning to commemorate the 70th Anniversary of the liquidation of the Zawiercie ghetto on Thursday, August 29, 2013. Attached, you will find the invitation and a preliminary program schedule. "
The event took place on August 29, 2013 and Heidi Urich shared with me her experience:
"I attended the Zawiercie commemoration and found it to be a very worthwhile experience. I was particularly moved by the procession from the marketplace at the edge of the ghetto to the train station. In addition to town officials, there appeared to be a great many town residents who joined us as we walked about a mile on the route our family members were forced to take as they were being deported to Auschwitz. A large plaque commemorating the Jewish community was unveiled at the train station opposite the tracks in a solemn ceremony. This was followed by another ceremony at the Jewish cemetery. "
The Jewish Community in Kromołów and Zawiercie - An Outline History
“This was the story of Zawiercie:
- 1 - A Note About the ResourcesThe chapter, “Zawiercie History,” outlined the history of Zawiercie in general. The current chapter will briefly survey the history of the Jewish community in Zawiercie. I am involved with translating the Zawiercie Yizkor Book from Hebrew and Yiddish to English. While reading the translated chapters, I’ve realized how rich and beautiful the stories in the Yizkor Book are and decided to transform the current essay into a reference guide for the various stories about the life of the Jewish community in Zawiercie before and during WWII. Hence the main sources for this article are the Zawiercie Yizkor Book and the Encyclopedia of Jewish Communities in Poland. We can find additional resources worth further research in the Zawiercie Yizkor Book, page 39 - under the chapter: “The Documents and Records about the History of the City and Its Neighborhood.” More resources are referenced in the article. |
- 2 - KromołówKromołów was an ancient settlement situated in Zawiercie Slaskie, Poland, at the source of the Wartha. Its geographical coordinates are 50° 29' 0" North, 19° 31' 0" East. The first owners of the lands of Kromołów were the Kromołowscy. The entry in Wikipedia, for Papal Bull, state that it is a particular type of letters patent or charter issued by a Pope of the Catholic Church. It is named after the lead seal (bulla) that was appended to the end in order to authenticate it. An incomplete list of Bulls appears also in the Wikipedia entry. It includes one of the Bulls given by the Pope Celestine III’, but not the one addressed to Prince Casimir II. Finding this Bull and reading it is a worthy project to verify the origin of Kromołów. Kromołów became a district of Zawiercie in the year 1975. More detailed history of Kromołów appears in the Polish language here. A chapter in the Encyclopedia of Jewish Communities in Poland, Volume VII, details the history of the Jews in Kromołów starting in the 16th century. Population Figures in Kromołów
Kromołów has a Jewish cemetery on Piaskowa Street. The cemetery was established around the mid-eighteenth century. To date, nearly 1,000 tombs and a mortuary have been preserved within an area of about 2.2 hectares. The graves have the shape of typical tombstones with inscriptions in Hebrew, Yiddish and Polish. According to the Encyclopedia of Jewish Communities in Poland, the local residents claimed that there was an approximately 400 years old tombstone in the old KromołówJewish cemetery.
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Dr. Jan Pawel Woronczak from the University of Wroclaw, Poland, contributed his massive and accurate work on Kromołów’s Jewish cemetery, to the JRI-Poland organization. His work documents all the gravestones and the epitaphs on every grave. From his records we can learn about the earliest existing tombstone in Kromołów: The oldest tombstone is dated 1730 and the most recent is dated 1940. The inscription on the oldest tombstone is undecipherable. The following surnames and patronymic names appear on graves from the years 1810 – 1823. All were residents of Kromołow and were buried in the Kromołów Jewish cemetery:
- 4 - Zawiercie, 1847According to the entry Zawiercie in Wikipedia, the year 1847 was a turning point in the life of Zawiercie. On December 1, 1847, the Warsaw – Vienna railway was completed, and the first train along this line stopped in Zawiercie. This event gave Zawiercie an economic boost. According to the Zawiercie Yizkor Book the railway station was completed only in 1870. Jews lived in Zawiercie since 1847. The Zawiercie Yizkor Book, page 35,refers to Jewish families who came to live in Zawiercie at this time: Sofer and Adlerfligel from Bedzin, and Haskiel (Yechezkel) Landau. It is worthwhile noting that on page 45 there is a note about the first Jews in Zawiercie from a holiday prayer book (Machzor) of an elder Lewensztajn, dated 1847. The story is a paragraph in the memoirs of Mr. Zygelboim. It was translated but has yet to be published online. The families who lived in Zawiercie in 1847 earned their living in the sawmills that were Jewish-owned. The families received community services from the neighboring town of Kromołów. |
- 5 - Zawiercie – The Late 19th CenturyIn 1852, there was an outbreak of cholera, “The Great Epidemic,” in which many Jews died. They were buried in a communal grave in the Kromołów cemetery. A more detailed paragraph about the Great Epidemic, written in Polish, appears online and the Zawiercie Yizkor Book is also a source of stories about the Great Epidemic. This epidemic wasn’t the first or last in this area.
By 1895, the community served the Jewish population in the neighboring towns and villages as well as in Zawiercie. Jews made a considerable contribution to Zawiercie’s growth at this time. By 1880 the population of Zawiercie numbered some 15,000. New factories were manufacturing glass, bricks, chemicals and cast-iron. In 1895 the population of the town totaled about 20,000, including more than 2,000 Jews, most of whom were working in the local factories as clerks, technicians and managers. Jews owned the majority of the shops in the central market of the town. |
- 6 - Zawiercie SynagogueIn 1880 a synagogue was built in Marszałkowska Street with a Jewish community house next to it. After the completion of the central synagogue in 1880, the Rabbi of Kromołów, Yehuda Leib Gansweich, moved to Zawiercie and served as the local Rabbi. His successors were Rabbi Nathan Nachum Hacohen Rabinowitz, the Admor of Kromołów, and his son, Rabbi Shlomo Elimelech Rabinowitz, who became chief Rabbi and President of the Beth Hadin (Jewish Religious Court) of Zawiercie and the district.
- 7 - Jewish Education in ZawierceA quote from the Zawiercie Encyclopedia of Jewish Communities briefly describes the education in Zawiercie: In 1910 the yeshiva “Migdal Oz” was founded in Zawiercie. After WWI the organization “Hamizrachi” opened in Zawiercie a “Cheder Metukan” (Improved Cheder). In 1928 the Hebrew school of the network “Tarbut” (culture) was started, and in 1932 a Hebrew kindergarten was established. During the 1930s, most children from non-Zionist homes studied in public schools where there was no tuition. Jewish youth from assimilated families studied in the Polish gymnasium in Sosnowicz, and they were active in the non-Jewish youth organization Kultura. More about the schools Yesoday Hatorah, The Torah Vadas School, the Cheder (Orthodox elementary school), The Tarbut school, the first public school Beit Talmud, can be found in the Zawiercie Yizkor Book. These chapters have not yet been translated to English. The First Russian RevolutionThe Russian Revolution of 1905 had an adverse effect on the economic progress of the citizens of Zawierce. In addition, the economic boycott against the Polish Jews in Russia in 1912 affected the Jewish community in Zawiercie even more than the general population in the town.
Zawiercie during WWIA quote from Pinkas Hakehillot Polin describes briefly the situation in Zawiercie during WWI: "The Germans occupied Zawiercie during WWI, and the village remained under German control for about three years. The German occupation paralyzed the industry, and as a result unemployment in Zawiercie was high. In addition to financial distress, a typhoid plague broke out and killed many people.
- 8 - Zionist Activity in ZawiercieIn the late 1880 the Zionist organization Chibat Zion started its activity in Zawiercie.
Zionist Youth Organizations such as Hakoach, Herzlia, and Hashomer Hatzair formed during the First World War. They were joined, in the 1920’s, by the formation of three other Zionist youth groups: Betar, Mizrachi Youth and Agudat Israel.
The Zawiercie Yizkor Book also includes many references to the involvement of the young people of Zawiercie in the Zionist movement. “In 1921, the Jews accounted for approximately 10% of the population in Zawiercie district and for some 20% in the town of Zawiercie itself. The regaining of independence by Poland coincided with the establishment of local branches of Jewish political parties in the Zawiercie region. A lot of influence was wielded by the Zionists (the centrist Zionist Organization and the right-wing Mizrachi) as well as the conservative Agudas Israel. The full development of the Jews' socio-political life in the region occurred in the late 1920s. That was when many diverse associations came to life. The Great Crisis (The Great Depression after WWI) led to a surge of activity of Zionists parties and associations, including extremist ones. The influence of right-wing Zionist revisionists was rising, but so was that of the leftist Poale Zion, and of Hehalutz and Hashomer Hatzair. In the late 1930s, the prolonged economic crisis caused a decline in the activity, or even the disintegration of some political parties and civic organizations affiliated with them. The popularity of the Zionist Left was rising, but Mizrachi and the Zionist Organization also preserved a lot of their influence. It was only at that time that the socialist Bund began to operate in the region.”
Zawiercie - Cultural Life
- 9 - The HolocaustIn 1939 the town’s population numbered about 40,000 inhabitants; nearly 10,000 of them were Jews.
The liquidation of the Zawiercie Ghetto as it is described in Pinkas Hakehillot Polin: “In August 1943 the Germans performed their second “Akzia.” The two German air force officers tried to save the Jewish workers, claiming that their work was vital. In the end the Germans agreed to postpone the expulsion of 500 Jews, those most vital to the uniform factory. Again this time the SS members, the Gestapo members and German Gendarmes arrived at Zawiercie and with the help of Polish police, expelled the Jews from their home, searched hiding places and chased everyone out to midtown square. There in midtown square, when most of the Jews were rounded up, the Germans shot the Judenrat people in front of the people who had gathered there. The Jews of the Zawiercie Ghetto, the locals and the refugees from other places (about 6,000 to 7,000 people,) were led to the train station and deported to Auschwitz. Immediately after this “Akzia,” Zawiercie was declared “Judenrein,” clear from Jews, even though there were still about 500 Jews who were the uniform factory's workers. The two German air force officers, Gerbrecht and Teicher, protected these Jewish workers as much as they could. After the big “Akzia” of August 1943, the Polish workers were set, daily, to replace the Jewish workers, but the Polish workers lowered the factory yield. As a result, the factory managers strongly demanded that the 500 Jewish workers be kept alive. However, in October 1943 the factory workers were also deported to the Auschwitz death camp. When the Jewish workers were rounded up, the official manager, Gerbrect, came in and secretly separated seven of the Jewish workers from the others and led them to a secret place, although they objected and wanted to remain with their brothers. These seven Jews survived to see the Red Army free Zawiercie on January 20, 1945.” The last Rabbi of Zawiercie, Shlomo Elimelech Rabinowitz, was murdered by the Germans when he was taken from Auschwitz to Dachau. Professor Menachem Z. Rozensaft who was born in 1948 in Bergen-Belsen, Germany, tells about his father’s emotional encounter with the Zawiercie Rabbi, Shlomo Elimelech Rabinowitz, in Auschwitz during the Days of Awe in mid-October 1943. The two were inmates together in the same barrack. The essay tells the events when the inmates gathered to pray with the Rabbi of Zawiercie. On a separate page in this web site there is a short description of a case study conducted by Daniel Burns about one hundred men who were deported from the Zawiercie Ghetto to Auschwitz and then to other camps. When I visited the Zawiercie cemetery in 2002, I took a photo of the monument to Jews murdered during the liquidation of the Ghetto in August 1943. The USHMM “Encyclopedia of Camps and Ghettos, 1933-1945” Volume II, “Ghettos in German-Occupied Eastern Europe,” includes an entry about Zawiercie during the 1939 – 1943 years of horror. (Add a pointer to the aticle, I have a copy of it) The site Lists the Zawiercie Holocaust Survivors.